Sunday, January 27, 2013

FCCLA Week Ideas

Share Our Strength:
·         Host a community cook-off. Have community members bring a homemade item, like soup or chili to see whose is the best. Have fun selling it, raising money for Share our Strength, and bring the community together as one.
·         Have FCCLA members tie-dye white t-shirts orange to raise awareness.
·         Host a Great American Bake Sale with a Valentine’s Day theme.

Membership Recruitment:
·         Have an FCCLA Sunday party. Anyone can come! While they eat away, talk to them and show a PowerPoint about FCCLA.
·         Have a daily announcement that either describes a national program or something that you can do in FCCLA.
·          Have an FCCLA mixer/dance to recruit new members.

March of Dimes:
·         Have a contest at your school to see who can wear the most purple! Give something to the person who won!
·         Invite a local March of Dimes speaker or family to talk about the importance of premature baby awareness... It's very impactful and will make people want to get involved.
·         Sew blankets in FACS classes and sell donate them to a local NICU.
·         Decorate 1 in every 8 lockers purple to raise awareness that 1 in 8 babies is born prematurely.
Membership Recognition:
·         Hold a dinner (all paid for) for the officers and then a breakfast for all FCCLA members
·         Make locker signs for each of your members thanking them for all their hard work!

Other Great Ideas:
·         Host a dance where it’s _______________amount of $, however when they bring a pair of shoes they get it less for ______________ amount of shoes.
·         Have a social media day and promote FCCLA's national Facebook and Twitter page!
·         Ask your mayor to make the second full week in February "FCCLA Week" in your town!
·         Host a red out for a school supporting event: Sell Red t-shirts to benefit FCCLA.
·         Encourage all chapter members to wear a chapter t-shirt on one specific day.
·         Host a school wide dance with proceeds going to an outreach partner or your chapter!
·         Recruitment for Alumni and Associates – talk to your graduating seniors about joining!
·         Teacher/Administration/School Board appreciation day to thank everyone who supports FCCLA. It can also give members a chance to display their accomplishments and show how much of a difference their support is making.
·         Wear Blue to represent Stand for the Silent. Also encourage everyone to do a random act of kindness.

Feel free to set this as your cover photo on Facebook!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

National Programs/Competitive Events

Hey FCCLA friends!
        I hope you all had a wonderful New Year, and made a goal to do a National Programs! As FCCLA members, it is very important that we do all we can with FCCLA. That means participating, and doing a National Program. What is a National Program? A national FCCLA program guides young people to link their options and skills for success in careers, families, and communities. All the National Programs can be found online at
        Some ideas I have to help you get started are:
1.       Do one with your chapter.
2.       Do your National Program around your STAR Event.
3.       Do your National Program around your Community Service project.
4.       Have fun!!!
Sometimes we feel like we have to do SOO much work to get all the fun programs done that are involved in FCCLA. (STAR Events, National Outreach Project, Community Service, National Programs, etc.) However, something most of us don’t do is realizing that if we plan and carry out a project that includes all the fun programs we will be able to do BIG and BETTER things.
Ask yourself what your favorite hobby is. Is it swimming? Dancing? Skiing? Watching TV? Collecting Coins? Acting? Dating? Or even going to bed? We all have that one thing that we love to do. For me, I love just about everything. However, today I’m going to pick dating. Now, ask yourself probably the most important question- “How does ‘dating’ go into a National Program?” THAT’S EASY!!!!
DATING National Programs IDEAS:
1.       How does dating someone at work affect your work habits? – Career Connection
2.       Dating Violence? What are they and how do we stop them?- STOP The Violence
3.       Does having someone you like in the car effect the way you drive? – FACTS (Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety.
4.       Can you discover family relationships while dating.- Families First
                I’m sure back home in your town you have a hobby and something you just love to do. Trust me when I say “Happiness is like jam, you can’t spread a little bit without getting some on yourself.” Share your hobbies with others by doing a NATIONAL PROGRAM!!!

 If you ever need help with good ideas or just a little pick me up I am only one email or text or call away!
Ashley Labrum
Vice-President of Programs
 (703) 831-7126 Mobile


It truly is that time of year again!  Time to prepare your Competitive Events and compete!  Whether you want to discover a career for yourself through Career Investigation, make a positive impact on your community with Chapter Service Project Display, or even design your own clothes through Fashion Design there is an event for you.  Here are some tips to help you get started on your competitive events and chapter projects:
1: Talk to your adviser.
2: Find an Event
3: Work through your entire project
4: Practice your speech/presentation
5: Relax, you WILL be amazing!

Be sure to work hard, maybe you could compete with your STAR Event and Discover your Voice at the 2013 National Leadership Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.  If you have any questions about FCCLA’s Competitive Events be sure to contact me at

                                                                          Good luck,
                                                                    Skylar Borchardt
                                                 Vice-President of Competitive Events

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Your National Executive Council is hoping for an exciting year in 2013! Check out their personal New Year's Resolutions!

Elliot Johnson, National President: I resolve to promote a healthy lifestyle by giving up soft drinks.

Justin Hess, First Vice President: My resolution is to start enjoying life more. I have my entire life to accomplish my goals, but I’m only a teenager once.

Magda Hernandez, Vice-President of Community Service: Since graduation is right around the corner, my resolution is to forgive quickly and drop all grudges.

Skylar Borchardt, Vice-President of Competitive Events: My resolution is to accept reasonable failures and live with knowing I tried my hardest.

Chandler Classen, Vice-President of Development: I resolve to do more in my community and help people who need it.

Ashley Faulkner, Vice-President of Finance: My resolution is to make the most out of every opportunity and spend more time with the people I love.

Caleb Hearon, Vice-President of Membership: I resolve to continue growing as a person. I hope to help more people this year, learn more about myself and continue to lead through FCCLA: The Ultimate Leadership Experience.

Marquis Johnson, Vice-President of Parliamentary Law: My resolution is to spend more time with family and smile more.

Ashley Labrum, Vice-President of Programs: I resolve to finish all the goals I have made for myself the past few years.

Linsey Armstrong, Vice-President of Public Relations: In 2013, I resolve to pursue a healthier lifestyle, seize all opportunities, help more people and continue to grow as a person and a leader.

Photo courtesy of Lifetouch