Share Our Strength:
March of Dimes:
Have a contest at your school to see who can
wear the most purple! Give something to the person who won!
Invite a local March of Dimes speaker or family
to talk about the importance of premature baby awareness... It's very impactful
and will make people want to get involved.
Sew blankets in FACS classes and sell donate
them to a local NICU.
Decorate 1 in every 8 lockers purple to raise awareness
that 1 in 8 babies is born prematurely.
Other Great Ideas:
Host a dance where it’s _______________amount of
$, however when they bring a pair of shoes they get it less for ______________
amount of shoes.
Have a social media day and promote FCCLA's
national Facebook and Twitter page!
Ask your mayor to make the second full week in
February "FCCLA Week" in your town!
Host a red out for a school supporting event:
Sell Red t-shirts to benefit FCCLA.
Encourage all chapter members to wear a chapter
t-shirt on one specific day.
Host a school wide dance with proceeds going to an
outreach partner or your chapter!
Recruitment for Alumni and Associates – talk to
your graduating seniors about joining!
Teacher/Administration/School Board appreciation
day to thank everyone who supports FCCLA. It can also give members a chance to
display their accomplishments and show how much of a difference their support
is making.
Wear Blue to represent Stand for the Silent.
Also encourage everyone to do a random act of kindness.
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Feel free to set this as your cover photo on Facebook! |
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